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Situs Info Cpns Indonesia

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Admission screening test candidate civil servants (CPNS) The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) in Yogyakarta, Saturday (10/07/2010), followed by 10,000 participants and their implementation in 10 places, both school buildings and college campuses.

One member of the supervisory team Kemenkeu who are not willing to be identified said the number of participants to the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) reached more than 10,000 people and is the second largest number of participants after Jakarta.

He said the activities carried out simultaneously Kemenkeu CPNS tests in various areas in Indonesia, including Jakarta, Medan, Yogyakarta and Surabaya.

"Implementation of the entry test CPNS Kemenkeu is almost evenly in various parts of Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke," he said.

He also said the entrance test CPNS Kemenkeu in two stages, namely the first test of academic potential, and then will proceed with a psychological test, exercise test, and the last is a test interview.

For the announcement of the results of tests of academic potential or the first stage tests, will be announced on July 30, 2010.

He also said the entrance test CPNS Kemenkeu is a very strict screening and pure. The results of this test will immediately be sent and checked on Kemenkeu headquarters in Jakarta.

"So there's no corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN), all of them will not pass if it does not follow the stages of tests that have been determined," he said.

One of the participants CPNS test Kemenkeu, Rina Eko (24), said the optimistic can be accepted into CPNS Kemenkeu because they feel can do these test problems, although time is very limited, but still trying to do.

Rina said, much has been preparing all day for a test CPNS Kemenkeu, namely by studying the problems CPNS previous year.

He said the committee considered less satisfactory preparation for the test execution schedule does not fit so late. Should the tests began at 08.00 pm, but started at 08.15 pm.

Besides the issue of time, according to Rina, the committee gave less specific information regarding the site plan and a number of different seating with other examinees numbers that make potential participants become confused in the search space test test.

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